Getting Started

Let’s go over the Icons and their functions in the MatLib shelf.


Material Library


Material library, as it is called, is the main window where you create, store and import materials to your scene.

Runing Material Library for the first time

When MatLib runs, if it is used for the first time or if the repository you used before has been deleted, it will allow you to select a folder to create a new repository named as ‘Default Repository’ and will automatically link the repository path to MatLib.

Make sure you select a location that has enough space.

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User Interface


There are 6 sections in the interface:

  1. Renderer Selection

  2. Repository Selection

  3. Categories

  4. Materials

  5. Content Display

  6. MenuBar

Renderer Selection

Renderer Selection lists all the render engines that are registered on your DCC application which MatLib can support.

If you have more than one renderer that is supported by MatLib, since the properties of the materials belong to different renderers, switching between them will change the categories and materials.

Repository Selection

The repository is the area where the files and folders required for MatLib are stored. The selected repository calls and displays the registered categories and materials under these categories.

This is the area where you will choose which repository MatLib will run on.


Additional repositories are useful for collaboration. For personal use, this is not an important subject since most likely you do not need to create additional repositories.

When you link a new repository, it is added to this menu with the given name.

When a repository other than Default Repository is selected, it will appear in a slightly reddish color as a reminder.


Categories are areas where materials are stored. For example, materials such as chrome, copper, and aluminum fall into the category of metals. Basically it is a list of material types based on which renderer is selected.

By changing the renderer or the repository, Category section will be updated accordingly.

Create a Category

To create a category, you must give the category a name (such as metals) on the dialog screen that opens after pressing the + button under the category section. Pressing the accept button will immediately add the new category to the Categories menu.

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Delete a Category

To delete a category, you need to type ‘YES’ in capital letters in the dialog screen that opens after pressing the - button.

Since some repositories are protected with a password, the password screen will appear after pressing the - button. If the correct password is entered, a dialog screen will pop up asking if you are sure, same as unencrypted repositories.



Deleted categories do not have backup files, so the deletion cannot be undone.

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This is the area where the materials in the selected category are displayed.

The buttons in the lower left corner are used to add or remove materials from the selected category.

Add a Material

To add a material, first make sure that the render engine is the same as the “Renderer Selection”.

After choosing the right render engine, enter the desired aspect ratio in the render settings. This ratio is important for the size of the icon to be used for the material.

Assign the material to an object of your choice.

Render the material with Maya’s native renderview.


Do not try to render with render engine’s own frame buffer. Since not all of the render engines have Python support for frame buffer, current version of MatLib only works with Maya’s native frame buffer.

When the rendering is complete, select the Shading Group (SG) node of the material from Hypershade or NodeEditor and click the Add Material to Category button in MatLib. Pressing this button will open up a new dialog screen and ask you to fill in the material name and description.



In Maya, all materials come with a shading group attached to it. It holds information such as the lights that illuminate the material, the object that uses this material, and what kind of material has been added to shading group.

More info:

The material name is the label of the material that will be included in the material icon. This is also important for the search bar.

The description is, where you can put some notes about the material.

It is possible to change the description later on from the Edit tab. It does not have to be filled.

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Delete a Material

After selecting the material to be deleted from the MatLib window, click the Delete Material from Category button at the bottom left. As with deleting a category, typing ‘YES’ in capital letters at the dialog screen asking if you are sure, will delete this material.

If the repository is protected by a password, you must first enter the password correctly in the window that appears.



Deleted materials do not have backup files, so the deletion cannot be undone.

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Import Material

As the naming suggests, this will import the material information and generate the materials into the current scene. After the material is created you will just need to assign the material to an object.

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Content Display

This area is the section where information about the selected material is displayed.

At the top, it shows the images used for displaying the material. When the material is created, a larger version of the render image is used to display in this section. It is possible to add more images to the screen.

The number of images added to the material screen is shown just below the image.

Use the left and right arrows next to the image to navigate through images.

At the buttom of the image display there is the description, displaying the written text when creating the material.

Underneath the description there are 3 tabs for editing and displaying the material.

Texture Info

The textures of the selected material are listed in this section.

If the node has UDIM or sequence properties, it provides information about the presence and number of images.



If the material has .EXR or .HDR texture formats, it fails to display them on the texture info tab.

Jump to Texture and Material planels Video

Material Info

The material attributes of the selected material are displayed. The user can choose which of these attributes to display by clicking the Material Config button on the Edit tab.


Edit tab is responsible for making changes on material di̇splay.

There are couple of buttons in this tab, let’s take a look at them one by one.


Add Image To Display

You can add more images to the image di̇splay of the selected material by selecting an image either from File or from Renderview button.

The File button will let you choose a file from a folder.

The Renderview button will pick up the current image on the renderview.

Replace Main Image

You can replace the main image on the image viewer by selecting an image either from File or from RenderView.

The File button will let you choose a file from a folder.

The Renderview button will pick up the current image on the renderview.

Remove Image

Remove Image button deletes the image displayed in the image viewer.

Primary image can not be deleted.

Jump to Add, Remove and Replace Video


It allows you to change the description of the selected material.

Type something on the editible line and press Replace button.

Jump to Edit Description Video

Material Info Config.

Material Info Config button opens up a window where you can select which parameter and its value will be displayed on the Material Info Tab.


The menu at the top of the window contains the supported material types. The parameters of each material are listed just below. The parameters you will mark here will be reflected in the material information tab when the Save Changes button below is pressed.



Since repository passwords can be easily recovered, use a simple password.

Admin password

Password = 123admin

For repository creation and deletion, password is asked by MatLib. It is more of a warning question whether the user has taken any conscious action.

Unlike repository creation passwords, this cannot be changed.

Recovering a password from Password Protected Repository

  • From Script Editor create a new Source Type as Python

  • On the Python tab type:

    import MatLib_tools
    MatLib_tools.password_recover('name of the repository')
  • Inside the quotation mark type the name of the repository

  • Press Cntrl + Enter


You can open up the Script Editor panel from Windows/General Editors/Script Editor


Transfer to Project


All images that are imported to the scene with MatLib or files which do not belong to the project folder are copied to the project folder and the paths of the nodes that read the images are renewed with this function.

There are 2 options avaliable:

  • Repath nodes and Copy Files

  • Repath nodes only

In order to use this action, first press the Transfer to Project icon, then select either Repath nodes and Copy Files or Repath nodes only. Then you need to select all the Shading Group (SG) nodes that you want to make the change from Hypershade or NodeEditor and press Execute .

Repath nodes and Copy Files

This selection will repath all of the node’s texture paths and copy all of the texture files to {project folder}/sourceimages/MatLib_images .

The progress bar will display the state of copying process.

Repath nodes only

This selection will repath all of the node’s texture paths to {project folder}/sourceimages/MatLib_images .

This is useful when you have a project with many shots and you have already copied all the necessary files to the project.

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